Large - clickable - map of The Theosophical Society Headquarters in Adyar.

(A large clickable map over the TS Adyar HQ compound. Hover a number on the map
or click it to get more info. And scroll vertial and horizontal.)

Early Consitution and Rules of the Theosophical Society, 1890
(An unsectarian Society saying: Offences..: "Any Fellow who shall in any way attempt to involve the Society In political disputes shall be immediately expelled.".......
"No Fellow, Officer, or Council of the Theosophical Society,
or of any Section or Branch thereof, shall promulgate or maintain any doctrinas being that advanced, or advocated by the Society. ")

About empty exoteric rituals we find that the co-founder of the Theosophical Society - H. P. Blavatsky - is said to have written:
"...The T.S. was not created to propagate any dogma of any exoteric, ritualistic church, whether Buddhist, Brahmanical, or Christian.
This idea is a wide-spread and general mistake..."

1. The Theosophical Society Headquarters Adyar.
2a. Private residence.
2b. The Octagonal Bungalow.
3. The Arundale House.
4. The Main Gate (and TS Adyar Bookshop).
5. The Adyar Theatre.
6. The Administration Building.
7. The Buddhist Temple.
8. Jain Temple.
9. Bhojanasala (Indian Restaurant).
10a. New Quadrangle.
10b. Old Quadrangle.
11. Bharat Samaj Hindu Temple (Temple of Light).
12. Zoroastrian Temple.
13. The Sikh Temple.
14. Two semi-detached private residences.
15. Blavatsky Bungalow.
16. Banyan Tree.
17. Upasika.
18. St Michael and All Angels - Liberal Catholic Church.
19a. Leadbeater Chambers (LBC).
19b. The Western style restaurant.
20. Garden of rememberance.
21. Sevashrama - private residences.
22. Private Residence? and Foundation for Jewish Synagogue nearby.
23. The Mosque. 24. Parsi Quarters - private residence.
25. Shanti Kunj (old name: Bell Bungalow)
26. Olcott Bungalow and Olcott Gardens.
27. Co-Masonic Temple.
28. Besant Scout Camping Centre.
29. Electrical and Maintenance Departments.
30 Adyar Library and Research Centre.
31. N.K.T. - National College for Eudcation of Women.
32. Main Gate by car.
33. Vesanta Press.
34. TPH (The Theosophical Publishing House).
35. Laundry.
36. HPB Hostel.
37. Sri Ram Colony.
38. Olcott Memorial High School.
39. Blue Croos - Hospital for Animals and more.
40. The School KFI (Krishnamurti Fundation India).
41. KFI School Entrance.
42. Dispensary.

*** Hover a number on the map or click it to get more info. And scroll vertial and horizontal. ***