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Masters Revealed - Blavatsky was not a spy
(published Aug. 4th 2013 by Morten Nymann)
I write this article because quite a number of authors of books and articles on or off the Internet continuously seem to claim that H. P. Blavatsky was a Russian spy or a spy of some sort - and because I find the whole affair to be based on non-documented, or ill-documented and false claims.
This article is composed by using quotes by Blavatsky showing her not to be a Russian spy, and to show her being unconcerned with politics. Most of her life H. P. Blavatsky used on writing about her own world view of what she called - theosophy. Others called theosophy something else. Because the term- theosophy - did not imply one single definite set of doctrines, but was a term denoting: each individuals theory of the meaning of life as well as each individuals search for the meaning of life, as well as ordinary philosophical and transcendental philosophical views. To begin with it might be well to understand that the organisation co-founded by H. P. Blavatsky with others, here including H. S. Olcott and W. Q. Judge, was an organisation of no ordinary kind and with an organisational structure very different from almost any other organisation in world at the time of its existence in the early period of its existence, 1875-1891. The organisational structure of the Society was changed later on, somewhere after the year 1891, and especially after the year 1908, when the three main co-founders had died. The non-sectarian organisational structure of the Theosophical Society is most clearly seen in the Constitution and Rules of the Theosophical Society given in the year 1890. The 1890 Constitution of the Theosophical Society a central quote: "ARTICLE XIII Offences 1. Any Fellow who shall in any way attempt to involve the Society In political disputes shall be immediately expelled. 2. No Fellow, Officer, or Council of the Theosophical Society, or of any Section or Branch thereof, shall promulgate or maintain any doctrinas being that advanced, or advocated by the Society." (Page 33 in the PDF, or page 65 in the journal) Now I will begin forwarding quotes showing that H. P. Blavatsky was not a Russian spy, and likely not a spy in any manner what so ever. As I see it, these quotes clearly show, that the whole case build up against H. P. Blavatsky by various authors in the later decades accusing her of being a Russian SPY is quite far-fetched and even very false and unjustified. And one would do well in considering that most accusations are based on private letters, and on very thin indications and no real documentation, some if not most of the private letters attacking H. P. Blavatsky are from her visible enemies. 1. H. P. Blavatsky on politics H. P. Blavatsky wrote publicly in The Theosophist in 1889: "I have never written, in all my life on politics, of which I know nothing. I take no interest in political intrigues, regarding them as the greatest nuisance and a bore, the falsest of all systems in the code of ethics. I feel the sincerest pity for those diplomats who, being honourable men, are nevertheless obliged to deceive all their lives, and to embody a living, walking LIE." (BCW. Vol. XIII, p. 206. And more info is given in this article.) 2. HPB views about Russia HPB letter to A. P. Sinnett: "They fear and mistrust (as a nation) the English nation, and in their eyes a Russian, a Frenchman, an Englishman or any other son of Christendom and civilisation is an object to be hardly, if ever trusted. " (p. 20) And we say: First: This was a private letter and not a public letter. Second: The Theosophical Society was founded to oppose dogmatism of any kind, and especially the Christian kind. And was naturally therefore non-political. It was and is a Society officially having the object of opposing dogmatism and materialism through the promulgation of altruism (selfless service to others) based on a non-sectarian organisational structure. Although the Theosophical Society might seem to have some problems with following the non-sectarian concept today, it was not so in at the time of H. P. Blavatsky. And I claim, neither is it today, all in all. The concept of Freedom of Thought is intact. 3. The Mikhail Katkov connection Mikhail Katkov (1818-1887) was a Russian journalist influential during the reign of Alexander III. He had the management and editorship of the newspaper Moscow News from 1863-1887, when he died. Katkov's influence on politics was therefore not minor. Yet, it is also a fact that a newspaper not only is concerned with politics. This was also the case with the Moscow News edited by Katkov. And this aught to be remembered in relation to the role of H. P. Blavatsky relation to Katkov. In those days, there was much more religious freedom than later on after the revolution when the communists got into power. Because H. P. Blavatsky wrote some articles for Katkov's newspaper and to a Spiritualistic Journal in Russia, she is accused for being a Spy by various other authors. Katkov's newspaper was not only somewhat against the British, because the British sought to dominate Russia, (and of course vice-versa was also the case. The British with their interests in China, Africa and America etc. etc.) In those days Russia and Britain was no-doubt what we today would call the Super-powers on the planet among countries. H. P. Blavatsky did also some articles for the Indian Foreign Office. Will that make her a Spy for the English against Russia? Not likely, I think. This is not mentioned by most authors when they forward their Spy accusations against H. P. Blavatsky. 4. H. P. Blavatsky views about Russia H. P. Blavatsky letter to A. P. Sinnett: "I must say that you might do worse than borrow from Russia her laws for libel: and England does seem in this respect a far more barbarous and uncivilised country than Russia. In the latter any Editor would get 3 months prison for uttering such a libellous insulting term and here gentlemen like Gretton Geary repeat the vulgar abuse with the coolest indifference possible and, there seems no redress. I will see though. It is the Statesman’s story over again. " (p. 55) 5. H. P. Blavatsky views about Russia H. P. Blavatsky letter to A. P. Sinnett: "I for one prefer for the Society any day a learned Sanskrit pundit, a Hindoo who works for theosophy to the Emperor of Russia or the Empress of India herself. " (p. 59) 6. H. P. Blavatsky views about Russia H. P. Blavatsky letter to A. P. Sinnett: "But, I cannot leave the reputation of poor Olcott to be attacked as it is, by Hume and Mr. Hodgson who have become suddenly mad with their hypotheses of fraud more phenomenal than phenomena themselves. Others will write and explain to you why such a sudden revulsion of feeling. I with thousand other theosophists, protest against the manner and way the investigations are carried on by Mr. Hodgson. He examines only our greatest enemies—thieves and robbers like Hurrychund Chintamon who has returned here to serve the Gaikwar, and being shown by him some new letters (!! I must have written thousands!) received by him as he assures Hodgson, 7 years ago from America. Hodgson copies some paragraphs from them that he believes the most damaging and builds on that a theory of my being a Russian spy besides being a fraud and hoodwinking Olcott from the first. For instance in a letter about the Arya Somaj I say, probably this I do not deny: Never mind Olcott and what he says (about the blending of the two Societies) I will make him do it. I can “psychologise the old man with one look” etc. Something of the kind in fun, of course. This is construed by Mr. Hodgson to show clearly, on my own confession that from the first I have bamboozled Olcott, psychologised him and therefore that his testimony is worthless." (p. 75) 7. H. P. Blavatsky views about Russia H. P. Blavatsky letter to A. P. Sinnett: "Let Hurrychund show to Mr. Hodgson a certain letter I wrote to him in reply to his question in his: “Dear Sister, tell me, is the Russian Govt. as bad as ours? Are they as cruel with the conquered people as our rulers are with us?” etc. I answered him—“May heaven protect and save you of the Russian Govt. Better for every Hindu to drown himself at once than to ever find himself under the Russian Govt.” or words to this effect—but I remember perfectly the spirit I wrote them in. And yet because of this letter and of a certain paper stolen from me by Mme. Coulomb and that the missionaries have shown to him, a paper partially or wholly written in cipher, -- he says—Mr. Hodgson has publicly proclaimed me a Russian spy." ....... "At a public dinner to call one a Russian spy when these d—d countrymen of mine are playing their tricks beyond the Himalayas is enough to have me locked up by the Ang: In: [Anglo-India; added by Morten Nymann] on mere suspicion. Even Hume was horrified at his language and warned him that he was not in England." (p. 76) 8. H. P. Blavatsky views about Russia H. P. Blavatsky letter to Richard Hodgson: "But you went further. At Mr. Garstin’s dinner the other night you spoke of me as a “Russian Spy.” You have supported this assertion against Mr. Hume’s laugh and denial, and that of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. so seriously and with such emphasis that it becomes a matter of the gravest importance for me to have it proved publicly whether I am a “Spy” or not. As I defy any mortal man to bring valid proof that I have ever written one line or received one from the Russian Govt. for the last 15 years during which period I became an American citizen, and that I am as loyal to the British Govt. that now gives me hospitality as you can be" (p. 94) 9. H. P. Blavatsky views about Russia H. P. Blavatsky letter to A. P. Sinnett: "Their July Report sets them all—from Myers and Sidgwick down to their last admirer—as donkeys. They show themselves absurdly, most ridiculously unfair in it. Can you blame after this, Solovioff and other Russian theosophists for saying that the chief motor of their wrath against me is—that I am a Russian? I know it is not so; but they, the Russians like Solovioff and the Odessa theosophists, cannot be made to see the cause of such a glaring injustice in any other light. Between the two horns of the dilemma they have no choice. Every fair minded man with brains in his head, must say after reading the Report and comparing what is said on page 452 and page 453 -- that those who said and edited it, are either moved by a blind, wild, personal hatred and prejudice; or that they are—DONKEYS." (p. 108) 10. H. P. Blavatsky views about Russia H. P. Blavatsky letter to A. P. Sinnett: "I, who for five years kept harping on the same phrase before every dissatisfied Hindu: “Better put a millstone on your necks and drown yourselves all you Hindus, and Mussulmans, before the crazy notion of a change for the better if ever the Russians got hold of you—could ever enter your heads.” This sentence was written by me even so long ago as from New York to Hurrychund Chintamon to Bombay and his answer was seen by Hodgson, for Olcott found several of his replies to me and he could infer my statement by the answer made by Chintamon. “If Russia is all you say then Heaven save and preserve us from such a Government!” Hodgson saw it, I say, and therefore he lies when he still persists in seeing in me a Russian spy or even a well-wisher of the Russian Govt. But that is a personal matter, now, between himself and his conscience—if he has any."(p. 128) 11. H. P. Blavatsky on the Theosophical Society being non-political. H. P. Blavatsky wrote: "To seek to achieve political reforms before we have effected a reform in human nature, is like putting new wine into old bottles. Make men feel and recognise in their innermost hearts what is their real, true duty to all men, and every old abuse of power, every iniquitous law in the national policy, based on human, social or political selfishness, will disappear of itself. Foolish is the gardener who seeks to weed his flower-bed of poisonous plants by cutting them off from the surface of the soil, instead of tearing them out by the roots. No lasting political reform can be ever achieved with the same selfish men at the head of affairs as of old. " (HPB: The Key to Theosophy, p. 231, 1890) 12. Citizen Helen P. Blavatsky. (That Newly Naturalized Personage - Explains Some Interesting Matters.) [First published in The Daily Graphic (New York), July 9, 1878, p. 54.] "Mme. Helen P. Blavatsky enjoys the proud distinction of being the first female subject of the Czar who has renounced her allegiance to the Empire and become a citizen of this great republic. On the 22d of September, 1874, she announced her intention of becoming a naturalized citizen and made the necessary application before the proper officials. Yesterday she developed into a full-fledged sovereign by the decree of Judge Larremore in the special term of the Court of Common Pleas. There have been various conjectures among the acquaintances of the new convert to Republicanism as to the motive that prompted her to take this step. Among others was that she purposed engaging extensively in purchasing real estate in this country, and that she contemplated taking a leading part in the woman suffrage question. In order to get at the truth a GRAPHIC reporter called on Citizen Blavatsky this morning at her apartments, No. 302 West Forty-seventh street. He was very politely received, and was shown into the reception room, overlooking both Eight avenue and Forty-seventh street. The first and most conspicuous object that presented itself to view on entering was the newly signed citizen’s paper, placed in a conspicuous place on the wall to the left of madame’s writing-desk. "Yes, I have become a citizen of the United States," she remarked, as she glanced at the document, "and I must say that I feel proud of the title. You ask why I have renounced my allegiance to my country? I answer because I love liberty. There is but little liberty in Russia to-day. Here it is the reverse." ....... "The Czar lost the Crimean war and gained all in the last conflict. Now he has lost again. Does it not appear to any reasonable person that intense dissatisfaction will follow? I am not in favor of kings and emperors. They are the curse of the world. A revolution may accomplish much good." (The latter paragraph are words by H. P. Blavatsky.) 13. The Society and Politics, official remarks by the Co-founder H. S. Olcott: "The tenacious observance by the Founders of our Society of the principle of absolute neutrality, on its behalf, in all questions which lie outside the limits of its declared "objects," ought to have obviated the necessity to say that there is a natural and perpetual divorce between Theosophy and Politics. Upon a hundred platforms I have announced this fact, and every other practicable way, public and private, it has been affirmed and reiterated. Before we came to India, the word Politics had never been pronounced in connection with our names; for the idea was too absurd to be even entertained, much less expressed. But in this country, affairs are in such an exceptional state, that every foreigner, of whatsoever nationality, comes under Police surveillance more or less; and it was natural that we should be looked after until the real purpose of our Society's movements had been thoroughly well shown by the developments of time. That end was reached in due course; and in the year 1880, the Government of India, after an examination of our papers and other evidence, became convinced of our political neutrality, and issued all the necessary orders to relieve us from further annoying surveillance. Since then, we have gone our ways without troubling ourselves more than any other law-abiding persons, about the existence of policemen or detective bureaux. I would not have reverted to so stale a topic if I had not been forced to do so by recent events. I am informed that in Upper India, some unwise members of the Society have been talking about the political questions of the hour, as though authorized to speak for our organization itself, or at least to give to this or that view of current agitations the imprimatur of its approval or disapproval. Again, it was but a fortnight or so ago that one of the most respectable and able of our Hindu fellows strongly importuned me to allow the Theosophical Society's influence—such as it may be—to be thrown in favour of Bills to promote religious instruction for Hindu children, and other "non-political" measures. That our members, and others whom it interests, may make no mistake as to the Society's attitude as regards Politics, I take this occasion to say that our Rules, and traditional policy alike, prohibit every officer and fellow of the Society, AS SUCH, to meddle with political questions in the slightest degree, and to compromise the Society by saying that it has, AS SUCH, any opinion upon those or any other questions. The Presidents of Branches, in all countries, will be good enough to read this protest to their members, and in every instance when initiating a candidate to give him to understand—as I invariably do—the fact of our corporate neutrality. So convinced am I that the perpetuity of our Society depends upon our keeping closely to our legitimate province, and leaving Politics "severely alone," I shall use the full power permitted to me as President-Founder to suspend or expel every member, or even discipline or discharter any Branch which shall, by offending in this respect, imperil the work now so prosperously going on in various parts of the world." (In the Supplement to The Theosophist for July 1883. This short article is signed by H. S. Olcott and H. P. Blavatsky. Adyar, June 1883.) More could have been added. The above must however be enough to show that H. P. Blavatsky worked tirelessly for the Theossophical Society and its non-sectarian organisational promulgations of altruism and a Universal Brotherhood of humanity. The literary oulet from H. P. Blavatsky alone easily provides a proof upon this and that politics was not something she was concerned about. |
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