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En privat hjemmeside om
Theosophical Right and Wrong Study
(published June 22th 2008 by Morten Nymann)
Any subject, including that of the Theosophists, may be studied or carried out by
absolutely any method.
The results obtained, however, will depend upon how correct the method was. Equally, the understanding of these results depend upon sufficient knowledge to evaluate them. It is for these reasons that learning, both among the Theosophists and in education and teaching in general, require expert guidance from outside, if that guidance does not exist inside the learner. Such guidance may be unfamiliar in form or associations: but it is never random. It mediates the manner, the time, the place, the company, involved in the learning process and its applications to specific instances. There are three erroneous "paths" which have become associated with Theosophy, due to ignorance of the matters just referred to. These are:
Ignorance of the existence of the design and measure reality has caused all legitimate spiritual teachings to fall into the hands (in part at least) of the personality-types which distort the teaching's outer shape into one of these three categories. Effectively, they are, all three of them, cults. by a friend |
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