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(published Jan 16th 2010 by Morten Nymann)
A Key to Understand the New Age
Whoever approaches the diverse cultural, religious, therapeutic, artistic expressions that use the "New Age" or "Age of Aquarius" symbol with the intention of gathering that which unifies them can feel a sense of bewilderment, as if having entered a labyrinth. There doesn't exist a unified center nor a unique inspiring center that nevertheless presents a familiar air and has common public promotional expression, connected by a complex network of global dimensions. As point of departure, we can define the New Age as a cultural trend, rooted in the western esotericism of the 19th century and made popular in the second half of the 20th century, which presents itself under the mythological astrological sign of Aquarius. The central idea, writes Jean Veruette, is that at the eve of the year 2000, humanity is about to enter into a new era, gripped by a spiritual consciousness at the planetary level of harmony and light. The second coming of Christ, is about to be realized, as is being maintained by a few, and whose energies would already be in action among us, within the manifold spiritual research, and the numerous religious groups. The expressions "New Age" or "Age of Aquarius" come out of the European and American esoteric environment from the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, where the scientific ideas of evolutionism were applied to the psychological and spiritual story of humanity fueled the expectation for a radical change. Astrological speculations contributed to corroborate this expectation. One of the seminal books is L'Ere du Verseau, published in 1937 from the French esoterocist Paul Le Cour. Based upon ancient astrological theories, according to him, the sun would accordingly change zodiacal sign approximately every 2169 years. Le Cour had maintained that the Age of Pisces was about to finish having been initiated on the 21 of March of the common Christian era and that the sun was about to enter the sign of Aquarius. During the era of Pisces it was characterized by great restrictions, and innumerable wars. The age of Aquarius will be distinctly different by the abundance, symbolized by the mythic figure of the water bearer, the young Ganimede who spills water by tilting an urn. In order to understand the cultural movement that was defined later between the years 1960 and 1980, it is necessary therefore to look at its essential matrix, that we find in the traditional esoteric-theosophy diffused in the intellectual European environment of the 18th to 19th century and especially in the cultural circles of masons, of spiritualism, of occultism, of theosophy. These circles shared a form of esoteric culture, defined (according to the French specialist Antoine Favre {A. Favre, Access to Western Esotericism, Sunny Press, Albany, 1994 pp. 10-15}) with these elements:
According to the studious Dutchman Hanegraaff, the esotericism of the 19th century is a "secularized" esotericism: having integrated the traditional esotericism (that was expressed in alchemy, in "magic," in astrology), which underlined the importance of a personal religious experience and which searched for a unified vision of the universe, with aspects of the modern culture: the scientific research of the laws of causuality, evolution, new psychology, and study of religions (W.J. Hanegraaff, New Age Religion and Western Culture. Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought, Brill, Leiden-New York-Koln 1996, pp. 411-524). This integration is particularly clear in the works by Madame Blavatsky, a Russian "medium" who founded, with the American spiritualist Henry Olcott, the Theosophical Society (New York 1875), in the attempt to establish together into one evolutionary spiritualism the traditions of the Orient with the Western. The Theosophical Society had a threefold objective:
In her works Madam Blavatsky defends emancipation of women attacking the omnipotence of "masculine-God" of Israel, of Christians and of Muslims. And proposes a return to the Hindu religion with its cult of the mother goddess and the practice of feminine virtue. The feminist action will be continued by the Theosophical Society under the guidance of Annie Besant, who was the vanguard of the feminist movement. A few other organizations derived from the Theosophical Society have reconciled esotericism and Christianity, following the road already opened in the 18th century by Emanuel Swedenborg. Through them the Liberal Catholic Church of C.W. Leadbeater and J.I. Wedgewood, The Arcane School of Alice Bailey, Anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner. Constitute (New Age) as a Cultural Movement It had taken as insignia, as we have said, the astrological myth of Aquarius. Initially limited to the environment of astrology, explains Massimo Introvigne (M. Introvigne, Mille e non piu di mille. Millenarismo e nuove religioni alle soglie del Duemila, Garibaldi, Miloano 1995, p. 206) this myth became popular in the United States during the 60's, in the youth millieu of the counter-culture and was introduced to the young throughout the world in 1968 by the musical "Hair" whose songs lauded the Age of Aquarius. It was the period of student revolts that promised a future radically changed. After the inevitable disillusions many young people have now turned to the rediscovery of oriental mysticism and occultism, when not turned to drugs, cutoff and toward a world totally different. In 1980 an American journalist Marilyn Ferguson, who had conducted research
on the movement of the human potential, contributed to the diffusion of
this way of thinking beyond the realm of the youth counter-culture, by publishing
the book "The Aquarian Conspiracy. Personal and Social Transformation"
in the 1980's. The principle theme of this book is that humanity finds itself
at the threshold of a great change, of a silent revolution, operated by
an increasing number of individuals who- thanks to personal transformation-
are contributing to realize a new society. The author passes in review different
cultural camps - psychological, religious, educational, work, medicinal,
political- to individualize the precursor signs and effect of such a change.
And tries to rouse the awareness of a "conspiracy" (in the etymological
sense of "breathing together") to which can be attributed all
that everyone wishes to put forward, joining together, the new "paradigm"
, the new vision of reality. With the term Aquarius there aren't any specific
speculations made: "it is just a symbol," says M. Ferguson, "taken
from the popular American culture in order to express the expectation of
a new age."
The diffusion of this idea was rapid even at an international level. According to the American specialist Gordon Melton (J. Gordon Melton, New Age Encyclopedia, Gale Research Inc., Detroit 1990, p. XXVI), when in the United States the idea of a New Age of Aquarius was proposed, the "occult-metaphysics" community consisting of hundreds of magic-esoteric groups, received with enthusiasm this prospective. The support given from spiritual groups, theosophical, explains the speed of the diffusion of this new paradigm. Not lacking later signals of interest from the masonic world, especially in its version of occultism, that aspires to the development of occult powers of the human mind or of man, because then he reaches his perfection completely. Another essential factor for this diffusion, according to the same author, was the formation of "networks" on a global level through groups interested in "global transformation" (financed by patrons of the esoteric world). In this manner a community has been created between "prophets" and small groups and the imagination of a growing movement has been developed, capable of permeating throughout the society with circles of veritable supporters. This manner of communication has permitted the interchange between adherents and other people and groups that share one or many of the ideas of the New Age (peace, ecology, feminism, holistic medicine, interreligious mysiticism), (Ibid, p. 316). In a short time, commercial circles and the mass-media have become interested in addition. Comparing along general lines the current culture as it defined itself in the years 1960- 1980 with the philosophy of the Theosophical Society, the studious Frenchwoman Francoise Champion finds the following differences: the hope in new times, associated to the Age of Aquarius, the research, of not only a personal perfection, but of a social transformation; a syncretic belief that is not limited to the oriental culture and to western occultism, but refers itself to all the religious and esoteric traditions and to theories and speculation in the arena of psychology, of science, of alternative medicine, of the paranormal; the mitigation of the frontiers between the religious and non-religious; the "democratic" aspiration with the rejection of the "masters" and the creation of a more fluid joining form like the "networks" (F. Champion, Le Nouvel-Age: recomposition ou decomposition de la tradition "theo-spiritualiste'?, in Politica Hermetica n.7, 1993, pp.118). Can we say that the New Age movement continues alive and in expansion in these last years of the 20th century? According to some American experts it seems that in this continent it could have already lost much of its fascination, while in other areas it is still in expansion. But it would be more just to consider that it has lost something like myth, as an aggregate utopia, while it continues in expansion the esoteric trend to which it has given publicity and vigor and this is at a cultural level and at a commercial level. There are those that search to remedy the attrition of the New Age banner by creating a new terminology "The Next Age".... Central Ideas of the New Age.
In a method a bit more detailed, we can describe the New Age from the point of view of science, of psychology, of religion or spiritualism, of its project on man and on the society. a) From the point of view of science? The universe is therefore, for the New Age, an "ocean of energy", that is considered, not in a mechanistic manner, but as a whole, a totality, a network of joinings. The universe (God-Man-Cosmos) is a unified organism, alive with a body and a soul (the energy coincided with the spirit). As one digs further in the direction of the roots of reality, the more one finds that all is unified and is simplified. God and the world, spirit and matter, soul and body, intelligence and sense, heaven and earth are an immense energetic vibration in which everything is connected. b) From the point of view of psychology? A particular way is the one of "channeling" since all humanity is part of one Mind, they can girate like channels toward the other superior beings; each one part of the one being can approach the rest of itself. c) From the point of view of religion? One arrives then (as Mons. Carlo Maccari writes {A. Maccari, La 'misitca cosmica" del New Age, in Religione e Sette nel mondo, 1996/2, pp.16-36}), at a cosmic mysticism, based on the awareness of a throbbing universe of dynamic energy. Energy cosmic- vibrational-light-God love - or also the superior Self - are expressions of the same reality, at the same time primordial fountain and immanent presence for every being. One could distinguish, to characterize this spirituality, a metaphysical component and another psychology. The first originates from esoteric-theosophical roots and is configured as a new form of gnosis. The approach to the divine is accomplished via an understanding of the hidden mysteries, in a research - as Jean Vernette says (J. Vernette, L'avventura spirituale dei figli dell-acquario, in Religione e Sette nel mondo, 1996/2, pp. 42-43)- "of the Real behind the apparent, of the Origin behind time, of the Transcendental behind the temporal, of the primordial tradition behind ephemeral tradition, of the Other instead of the ego, of the cosmic Divine spark instead of the individual incarnation." Spiritual esoterica, this author adds, "is an inquiry into the Being beyond life from the separate beings, as a nostalgia of the lost Unity." The psychological component comes from the encounter of the esoteric culture with psychological research. On this basis the New Age becomes a transpersonal experience a "psycospiritual" (considered analogous to a religious experience). For a few this transformation occurs in the form of a profound mystical experience, after a personal crisis or a long spiritual search. For others the transformation comes from the use of meditative or therapeutic techniques or from a paranormal experience that allows them to sense intuitively the unity of reality. d) What is the plan for man? In many expressions of the New Age, one finds an analogous credo. According to some visionaries - says Claude Labrecque (C. Labrecque, Une religion americaine. Pistes de discernement chretien sur les courants populaires du "Nouvel Age", Mediaspaul, Montreal 1994, p13) -the differences between the actual human and the human that will successfully realize his full potential, both in physical and psychological capacity, will be much broader than that existing between the actual human of today and the anthropoid. So it is proposed the exploration of all ways that permit man to auto-transcend himself. We can here distinguish between the esoteric path - of which we have spoken - which is essentially a research of awareness, and the path of magic or occult, which is above all a research of powers, in which man feels himself as a demiurgo capable of controlling the world with superior forces and obtaining the benefits he wishes. But these two motivations, the research for knowledge and that of power, are found often associated, like the theory to the practice, for which many groups are simultaneously esoteric and occultist. At the center of occultism we observe a will of power guided by the dream diviniation. Many techniques used to expand consciousness have the scope, known after a long initiation, of revealing to man the divine power that he possesses, that is exercised to prepare the way for the Age of Illumination. What kind of illumination is meant? Without wanting to generalize everything to "New Age" we cannot ignore the speculations that the exponents of this trend (like Alice Bailey, David Spangler, Benjamin Crème) on the figure of Lucifer as the agent of this initiation of the "new age" (a few texts of these authors are cited in the document of the Theological Commision of the Irish Episcopate A New Age of the Spirit? A Catholic Response to the New Age Phenomenon, Veritas, Dublin 1994, pp. 33-37. In the same document it is indicated that the "Secret Doctrine" of Mme Blavatsky is the wellspring of such an idea). As to these speculations being the inspiration to organized satanic movements or that certain expressions of the modern culture apply above all to the young, is an arena that requires further research. e) What social transformation? Under the same banner of New Age we find addresses of opposing signals, like that of the femminist-ecology that dwell more and more in the environment of the left and are promoted by international "networks" for a "global" education and the development of a sustainable Earth. Indeed in the normal variations of gradations, the deep motive seems to resurface at the same research of alternative means, also at the cost of a global overturn of society, is considered necessary for the birth of the new era. What are the principle differences that depart from the Christian faith
Many men of today have a need to hope for a "new age" for humanity. Seeking a new broader vision, that would give reason also to the diversity of religions and cultures, seeking a global spirituality, capable of offering a path that responds to the aspiration of a union with God, with all of humanity, with the whole cosmos, they are sensitive to a cultural and political agenda that renews all of society. Avoiding the blind vehicles that conduct the dream of omnipotence, it suggests rethinking in new terms the Christian plan for man and his society. Translated relatively literally from the Italian by Estela Piscope 6/18/98 |
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